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The first of its kind compact multi-angle Spectrophotometer

Ci64 Spectrophotometer
The industry standard family of Handheld Spectrophotometer

Ci62 Spectrophotometer
The industry standard family of Handheld Spectrophotometer

Ci60 Spectrophotometer
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Ci7860 Benchtop Spectrophotometer
Our Top of the Line Benchtop Spectrophotometer

Ci7800 Benchtop Spectrophotometer
Analytical Grade Benchtop Spectrophotometer for any Workflow

Ci7600 Benchtop Spectrophotometer
Our entry level Benchtop Spectrophotometer

Ci7500 Benchtop Spectrophotometer
Reflectance only Benhctop

Vericolor Spectro
Inline Real-time Color Readings at an affordable price

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